Kyoshi's martial arts journey is a testament to his dedication, perseverance, and commitment to both Uechi Ryu and Gotan Ryu styles. Starting his training in 1976 under Shihan Robert Mallard in Uechi Ryu and continuing with Sensei Jesse Whitley, Kyoshi laid the foundation for his martial arts expertise.

Transitioning to Gotan Ryu training under Wayne Hector in 1981, Kyoshi expanded his knowledge and skills in a new martial arts discipline. His commitment to learning and growth led to his black belt promotion in Okinawan Uechi Ryu in 1982.

Together with Shihan Mallard, Kyoshi opened the Okinawan Karate Warrior school in 1982, carrying on the tradition of mentoring young students through martial arts training. Kyoshi's teaching prowess produced top competitors in New England in the early to mid-1980s and later national and world champions in the late 80s and early 90s, showcasing his ability to nurture talent and inspire success in his students.

Kyoshi's journey exemplifies the spirit of martial arts, emphasizing continuous learning, mentorship, and the pursuit of excellence both on and off the mat.