Sensei Jinell Paterson Born in Trinidad and moving to the United States at the age of four, Jinell grew up in Dorchester. With an impressive 37-year tenure at Brigham and Women’s Hospital as of 2024. She has dedicated her life to both her career and her family. A mother of twin girls, Jinell has been training in Gotan Ryu for 27 years, eagerly anticipating the day her daughters would join her on the dojo floor. Teaching is not just a rank requirement for Jinell; it is a passion. She finds immense joy in instilling self-belief in our students and demonstrating that with perseverance and determination, any challenge can be overcome. Among her proudest achievements are raising her daughters and guiding them to earn their black belts in April 2023. On July 27, 2024, Jinell herself achieved the rank of 3rd Dan Black Belt and the title of Sensei, a milestone that fills her with pride and marks another significant accomplishment in her Gotan Ryu journey.